Happy to be back in New Orleans to start my second and last semester here at Tulane! Getting back into the grind was a bit difficult but I was ready to start classes. This semester, we’re taking electives, on top of our usual classes, and I was excited to find out what they were going to be about. My favorite elective so far is Endocrine Pharmacology where we are reading a book called, Why Don’t Zebras Get Ulcers. This book talks about the physiological aspect of stress and how prolonged stress can ultimately harm the body. Reading this so far has made me realize how little effort I’ve put into controlling my stress and because of it, I’ve decided to take time out each day to do something I enjoy. It ranges from simply painting my nails to going for a walk in the city. I’ve also decided to enjoy New Orleans while I can because this semester will fly by quick. With my father by my side, I’ve been able to explore the city more than last semester and it makes me grow a greater appreciation for this city. I’m happy to be learning more about this city along with all of this pharmacology material, as well as MCAT material!
P.S. Zebras don’t get ulcers because they have the ability to turn off their stress response which is a superpower I wish I had for the rest of this semester!
Jan. Hours: 0
Cumulative Hours: 26
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