
Showing posts from December, 2018


With our last exam right around the corner, I’ve been studying for this last block. I’ve found this GI/Neoplasia block interesting, especially the study on IBS and IBD. I have many family friends who have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and I’m glad I finally understand what they go through on a daily basis. The neoplasia aspect of this material is, also, giving me a new perspective of how treatment affects the Four Diamond’s children. This foundation is something I’ve been involved with for 5 years but I have a deeper grasp on what the families go through. Along with that, I finished my last few volunteering hours at KIPP by preparing the classrooms with supplies they need for the following week. I can’t believe that my first semester here in New Orleans is basically over. I’ve learned a lot these past few months - about myself, New Orleans, and pharmacology, of course! I’ve realized that not many people get these kinds of opportunities and I feel blessed to be here. As I head...