And just like that, spooky season is coming to an end! Watching
the Halloween decorations getting torn down serves as a reminder that my
favorite holiday is just around the corner. The only thing standing between me
and my Thanksgiving meal are exams and I know that I can count on my study
group to help me and get me through these next few weeks.
Just like the leaves, a lot of
changes happened in October. I’m finally starting to feel at home here in New
Orleans and that’s thanks to all the amazing faculty and students in the program.
I also decided to start volunteering at the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). KIPP
is a program in charter schools that give children opportunities for higher
education. Besides preparing for exams and attending class, I continued to
explore the city by checking out the Pharmacy Museum. It was really interesting
to see what kind of medications were used for flu, surgeries, and childbirth and
how medicine has advanced through the years.
October Hours: 3
Cumulative: 6
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