
The last month is around the corner and the school year is starting to wrap up. This month felt like a self-reflection of the program as a whole. While studying for our cumulative shelf exam, I would get little flashbacks of when I was studying the material originally last semester. Coming into this program I was excited, but worried. Excited because this was a big step towards my dream but worried because what if I wasn't cut out for it. Nevertheless, I can honestly say that this program helped my vision become more clear. I feel more empowered by the professors and speakers we've had that support everyone in the program. They can see our potential as we continue to work hard through these final months and that's something so meaningful not only to me, but to every fellow colleague in the program. However, school isn't the only thing that's on my mind. This month, I continued to volunteer at KIPP. We've been starting to interact with the children at school mo...