
Showing posts from November, 2018


November has been a whirlwind. This month has been filled with two exams, loads of volunteering, and frantically catching flights for the holiday break. It is sad to see that this semester is coming to a close soon but this month has been filled with good memories. This month I’ve been volunteering between the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) and Edible Schoolyard at Samuel J. Green Charter School. Back in Pennsylvania, I even got an opportunity to help out at a few fundraisers for my high school alma mater. Volunteering at KIPP reminds me of how hard children are working to gain a higher education to better their future. The kids remind me of my little brothers and I can only hope that they’re working just as hard there. My favorite moment from volunteering this month, however, was at edible schoolyard. I helped out with registration for their 20th anniversary. It was beautiful to see how thankful previous students were for their teachers that basically molded them into who they...